Checked in on construction yesterday. The front is pretty much finished. They were working on the benches along the side while I was there. They haven't started on the back patio yet. The full seat back on the bench makes the whole lodge look a bit more imposing from the front yard. From up on the deck itself, it's feels a bit like a treehouse crossed with a cruise ship.
The rotting railroad ties under the deck have been removed. Not sure if the plan is to put new ties in or just make it all into one big mulch bed. Might be best to put something in that offers a soft landing, since sitting up on the railing once again seems possible.
One challenge posed by the new deck: getting into the hose room. No longer accessible via stairs, one has to walk all the way around the yard to get down there. As a result, that shed outside the Brother's Room might come in more handy this year. It's just a more convenient place for one's hose.

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