10 years ago this week, the last brothers to live in the lodge moved out. It marked the end of a long-standing tradition of rent-free accommodations for those with summer jobs in Richmond. The next summer, fraternity row would be under construction, as the old Lambda Chi, Pi Kappa Alpha, and Sigma Chi lodges were torn down to make way for an expanded Robins Center parking lot. The summer after that, our own lodge would undergo a renovation that would forever limit it's ability to house (the kitchen & shower were both displaced).
For that last summer, three brothers called the backrooms home: Christian Shwarzkopf' '99 and yours truly in the Brothers' Room; and Tommy Hayes '00 in the Little Sisters room. For May term, six additional brothers somehow found a place to sleep inside. The beds & dressers were rented; every other bit of furniture was taken from whatever the brotherhood had chosen to store up there for the summer. That meant futons and crate furniture galore. The decor was dorm room chic. If memory serves, that's Miss February 1998 alongside my bed:

A summer at the lodge entailed unbearable humidity, a shower that actually made you feel dirtier, and a fantastic venue for weekend beer pong. With no cable, televised entertainments were limited. But there was always something going on at the Row. One guy living at Sigma Chi asked if he could use our shower once a week (what did he do the other 6 days?) and another guy living at Fiji taught me the two chords necessary to play Every Rose Has Its Thorn on the guitar (thank you, Russ).
From Brother Hayes:
Lots of memories from that summer. The 3 day power outage. The attempt to watch the 100 greatest movies of all-time. The futility of keeping the lodge clean, even after ponying up however much cash for the pre-move-in professional scrubbing. Drunken stumbling back and forth to the pool house. Your eviction of Joe Manning's junk onto the front sidewalk. . Trying to string a line of blankets from the ceiling so that the cool air generated by that measly window A/C unit in the brothers room not only stayed in the back of the lodge but also flowed over to the sister's room. Schwa cooking strange concoctions of mushrooms and onions. Random brothers from the 1970's stopping by looking for drinking buddies.Outside of evicting Brother Everlasts' belongings in a fit of anger, it was a fantastic way to spend the summer. Any of our predecessors have their own memories of living at the lodge?
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