Take a good look at the picture above. To the best of my knowledge, it represents the last "serious" Beta Beta composite picture ever taken. Look hard. You won't see a single fake name or costume or prop anywhere. Each one of these portraits would make a mother proud.
My biggest question is why so many green jackets? Was this a nod to the Kappa Sigma colors? Or did all of these guys just win the Masters? And how come no one is dressed like Arsenio or Color Me Badd? I would expect lots of oversized jackets in garish colors. Or at least some massive Luke Perry sideburns.
Occasionally, I'll dig into the archives of the Foundation (aka the box in my attic) to survey composites of brothers past. If anyone out there has composites (especially earlier than this one), send them my way so we can all enjoy the laugh.
1 comment:
Mark, excellent observation. The next year was the movement to "whacky" photos (I think Vinny Lim led the charge). We tried to work out a compromise since the brotherhood was split. I remember offering the solution to take two photos so we could have a serious and crazy composite. However, I think it was going to cost another ten bucks so we decicded to buy a case of the beast instead.
-Allan Young
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