In 1993, Bill Clinton took the Oval Office, Jurassic Park topped the box office, and Vinny Lim donned a wig. An eyewitness account from Allan Young '93:
The movement to "wacky" photos [began that year]. We tried to work out a compromise since the brotherhood was split. I remember offering the solution to take two photos so we could have a serious and crazy composite. However, it was going to cost another ten bucks so we decided to buy a case of the beast instead.This first attempt at composite humor is akin to the pilot episode of the best sitcoms: not quite as funny as the later years, but lays the groundwork for what's to come.
And so, I submit the following 7 for The Best of 1993:

7. Matt Drudge, the college years

6. Bandannas never had it so good.

5. The jacket's great. But WTF is eating his shoulder?

4. A lesser jacket. But the edge goes to the popped collar.

3. Dead Serious Gaze + Pipe = Pure Comedy

2. The timeless classic: beer goggles.

1. The Beginning of the End
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