Through my own experience in Beta Beta, I have noticed that brothers will drive hours for a chance to hang out and find their ways into derelict behavior together whether it is a graduation party (Summer is full of those little excuses to meet up with brothers), someone has rented out a beach house (Bad idea for an open invitation to an entire fraternity), or just a random weekend someone extends an invitation to . And in my own experience, I have noticed that invitations that include even the allusion to kegs will automatically attract at least 10 brothers to crash your house. Yet, one could not be happier to clean up Domino's off some walls, Champagne corks sprayed around rooms and empty cans of Natural Light strewn through every room.
Yet, Broventures seem to take on an even more interesting and more meaningful tone when they are guys that you cannot just walk to their apartment or dorm room, or even take the 5 minute drive to their house. These are the adventures that make this brotherhood so strong that 40-50 years down the road make each brother as close if not closer than they were when they attended U of R. The bond that never dies, AEKDB.
Brother Jay Wright submitted this story and picture of some of the 70's brothers bro-venture to Tampa:
"The 70’s were revisited in Tampa/St. Petersburg in January. Brothers Kevin Hutchinson, Steve Murphy, Jim Sutherland, Hil Beck, Rob Bruns, Chris Mullen, and Jay Wright spent a long weekend at the beach. The major surprise was that no one was arrested. The 70's brothers have instituted a series of misadventures aptly called “club meetings.” There have been meetings in the Richmond area, Norfolk and New York City and can be called at any time in any place. From the picture, you can tell that the group is not exclusive and welcomes new attendees at every event. Note Brothers Beck and Murphy in their Cuban shirts sampling prize cigars while in Ybor City inside Tampa. You are never too old to sample the good life."
Brothers Hil Beck and Steve Murphy
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