Readers may have noticed that posts to this blog have slowed to a stop the last few weeks. It was not manlove for Matty Baechtle that kept him & his bride the lead story for two weeks. In fact, two more substantial roadblocks prevented me from paying this site any attention.
At home, the toddler and newborn pictured above have seriously limited Daddy's "free-time" at home until at least 2009, early 2010. If I'm not watching Backyardigans with J.D., I'm changing diapers with Matty. Those of you with kids can empathize. Those of you without, we're looking for babysitters.
At work, a far greater impediment: upgraded web filtering software that has completely denied me access to this site. Now, I realize blogging is not the best use of one's work time. But considering the sheer number of hours that I spent in front of my computer at work each week, I don't think a few minutes posting ridiculous fraternal trivia is too much to ask. Alas, I'm not about to ask anyone.

If anyone out there wants to step up and take over this magnificent blog, please let me know. Until then, expect updates to be few and far between. Just don't chalk it up to apathy. I've still got plenty of love for this little brotherhood & plenty of material that needs to be shared.
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