There are currently six men’s fraternities on campus: Kappa Alpha, Kappa Sigma, Sigma Chi, Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Conversations have been conducted with Lambda Chi Alpha and Theta Chi about returning to campus, as well as an historically black Greek fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha. As of last spring, 28% of men were affiliated with a fraternity (49% of women), and the Greek GPA was higher than the all-men’s average.
There are tremendous external pressures on fraternity chapters. National headlines are rife with stories on
alcohol poisonings,
sexual assaults, or
drug dealing within fraternities. Many universities and national fraternities face significant lawsuits for lack of oversight or negligence in controlling the activities of individual chapters. In 2003, Kappa Sigma National Fraternity introduced a
code of conduct that addresses some of these issues. Violations of this code can result in immediate revocation of a chapter’s charter. Other fraternities have implemented similar rules and requirements.
Individual chapters have learned to work and operate within these new regulations and guidelines. Lodge parties are strictly controlled via a pre-approved guest list. Kegs have been replaced with a "BYOBeer" policy that permits 11 cans of beer per guest. A sober driver system, required as part of the risk team responsibilities, shuttles people back and forth between campus and the fraternity row. Pledge programs last a maximum of 6 weeks and have refocused on building the bonds of brotherhood in positive ways. Engaged community service events sponsored by chapters are commonplace.
As fraternities refocus on the original intent of their founders, the ties of brotherhood are as strong today as they were 10, 20, or 50 years ago. There is increased responsibility and accountability expected of men in all chapters, but the commitment to brotherhood, fun and connections with the University of Richmond are as strong as ever.
Thanks to our chapter Alumnus Advisor Kevin Strecker and Director of Student Activities Alison Keller (aka Alison Bartel; fka ABL) for help answering this question.