It seems we have fallen into a rut of apathy concerning this website. We have had a lack of alumni updates and a lack of active updates for the past seven months. So for the actives, my name is Ryan O’Brien. I currently just finished my sophomore year at UR. I will be contributing some active updates on the derelicts of Beta Beta for the next couple of years.
A Semester in Review:
We have added 17 new brothers to Beta Beta this semester through a strong pledge process. Though we often question their common sense, they are great guys who will be even better brothers in the years to come. There are definitely some derelicts and some leaders in this group which is what makes Beta Beta the best and most interesting fraternity on campus.
Also, seven brothers attended the Central Virginia District Conclave at the new Kappa Sigma International Headquarters in Charlottesville, VA. They participated in a dialogue on how to make individual chapters better and more efficient, as well as the fraternity as a whole. The conclave covered issues that ranged from financials to public relations to alumni weekends (We owned that one). Our Grand Master, John Frey will be making the trek to San Antonio for the 67th Biennial Grand Conclave.
Over the course of the year, Beta Beta logged over 1000 community service hours. Throughout the year, brothers participated in university-wide events such as Trick or Treat Street and Spiderpalooza as well as many outside forms of community service. In addition, Beta Beta, in conjunction with other fraternities, sororities and organizations on campus, helped raise over $10,000 for a young boy named Cole who is in need of a liver transplant.
5 years ago