The Beta Beta Foundation is a group of alumni dedicated to ensuring the strength and longevity of the active and alumni brotherhoods of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity at the University of Richmond. The Foundation seeks to achieve what has long been missing from Beta Beta: strong, sustained support from alumni.
Every few years, the undergraduates commit themselves to well-intentioned efforts to reestablish ties with alumni brothers. More often than not, these efforts fail because they require long-term commitments impossible for undergraduates passing through school in just a few short years. For any such effort to be successful, the drive to reconnect alumni needed to be driven by alumni. And so the Foundation was born.
The focus areas of the Foundation are as follows:
- To support student and alumni relations
- To encourage and support alumni and student community service, charitable and philanthropic endeavors
- To encourage academic excellence through scholarships
- To mentor students and provide employment resources
The Foundation began with a small group of alumni & undergrads that met informally throughout 2006 to discuss the way forward for the brotherhood. The Foundation
formally organized in 2007 and appointed a Board of Directors in early 2008. The Board represents more than 40 years of chapter history, with members from the Class of ’66 all the way to ’07. The Board collaborates with undergraduate leadership, the Alumnus Advisor, and University Administrators to ensure our collective goals are achieved.
The Foundation was a driving force behind last year’s successful Homecoming Weekend that saw nearly 70 alumni brothers find their way back to campus. This year, the
Foundation Golf Tournament will kick-off Homecoming weekend. The goal is to host at least one major alumni event per year.
Money raised helps establish a sound financial foundation for the chapter: improvements to the lodge; scholarship awards for deserving undergraduates; support for community service activities . Moving forward, this financial base will be critical for ensuring the strength and longevity of the chapter. The Foundation is currently seeking 501(c)3 status, necessary in order for donations to be tax-exempt.